600-777 Hornby St.
Vancouver, B.C.
V6Z 1S4

F: 604 558-3400
[email protected]

Proudly Accredited by the Diagnostic Accreditation Program of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC

Insomnia Severity Index

    The Insomnia Severity Index has seven questions. The seven answers are added up to get a total score. When you have your total score, look at the 'Guidelines for Scoring/Interpretation' below to see where your sleep difficulty fits.

    1. Do you have difficulty falling asleep? (0-None, 1-Mild, 2-Moderate, 3-Severe, 4-Very Severe)

    2. Do you have difficulty staying asleep? (0-None, 1-Mild, 2-Moderate, 3-Severe, 4-Very Severe)

    3. Do you have problems waking up too early? (0-None, 1-Mild, 2-Moderate, 3-Severe, 4-Very Severe)

    4. How SATISFIED/DISSATISFIED are you with your CURRENT sleep pattern? (0-Very Satisfied, 1-Satisfied, 2-Moderately Satisfied, 3-Dissatisfied, 4-Very Dissatisfied)

    5. How NOTICEABLE to others do you think your sleep problem is in terms of impairing the quality of your life? (0-Not At All Noticeable, 1-A Little, 2-Somewhat, 3-Much, 4-Very Much Noticeable)

    6. How WORRIED/DISTRESSED are you about your current sleep problem? (0-Not At All Worried, 1-A Little, 2-Somewhat, 3-Much, 4-Very Much Worried)

    7. To what extent do you consider your sleep problem to INTERFERE with your daily functioning (e.g. daytime
    fatigue, mood, ability to function at work/daily chores, concentration, memory, mood, etc.) CURRENTLY? (0-Not At All Interfering, 1-A Little, 2-Somewhat, 3-Much, 4-Very Much Interfering)

    Your Score:

    Total score categories:
    0–7 = No clinically significant insomnia
    8–14 = Subthreshold insomnia
    15–21 = Clinical insomnia (moderate severity)
    22–28 = Clinical insomnia (severe)

    Would you like us to contact you regarding your results?